Frimurerorden Broderskap. Teosofi Frimurerlosje. Alice A Bailey og den Tibetanske mester's böker (Djwhal Khul.) Frimurerorganisasjon. Frimureriets arbeide og hensikt. Tradisjoner i Broderskapet. Master DK Frimurerbevegelsen ceremonier, ritualer, organisation, traditioner, symboler, innvielser og lover i frimureriet. Fremtidens frimurerbevegelse |
English version Esoteric freemasonry. Alice Bailey
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Hensikten med denne siden er a gjöre skandinaviske frimurere oppmerksom paa verkene som er skrevet av Alice Bailey og den tibetanske mester DK Djwhal Khul. Siden inneholder kun sitater fra bökene. Her er bökene. 30 aars samarbeide og ca. 10 000 sider. Arbeidene til Alice Bailey finnes ogssa paa fransk cd-rom; http://www.girolle.org/general/telechargements.htm Web masteren av denne siden har ogsaa en fransk side som omhandler emner som; frimureri, innvielse, disippelskap, mestere og om tjeneste. De inneholder kun sitater av Alice A. Bailey og Djwhal Khul I årene fra 1919 til sin død den 15.december 1949 skrev Alice Bailey 19 bøger for Tibetaneren og forfattede selv 4 andre samt sin ufuldendte selvbiografi. Man kan karakterisere innholdet som teosofi eller neo-teosofi. Teosofien ble skapt av Madame Blavatsky
Bøkene som Alice Bailey skrev sammen med Tibetaneren, DK, den Tibetanske Mester, inneholder mange henvisninger til frimurerne og frimureriet, til frimureriets opprinnelse, til dets historie som den er forløbet gennem århundrederne og til den betydningsfulde rolle som frimurerbevægelsen (frimurerbevegelsen) på ny levendegjort og åndeliggjort, kan og vil komme til at spille i fremtiden ved at føre mysterielærens lys og energi sikkert igennem Vannmannens tidsalder. The site contains only quotations of the Tibetan Master and Alice Bailey; concerning , the movement maconnic, maconnic fraternity, the organization, the ritual, the work and the association of the freemasons The freemason, Foster Bailey, the husband of Alice A Bailey also wrote a book which is entitled ...The Spirit of Masonry. The site is intended to those which dream to see the ideals masonic realized. Lucis Trust... The Spirit of Masonry, Foster Bailey Denne bog indeholder en serie på 5 instruktioner, som den tibetanske mester havde til hensigt at give en gruppe frimurere gennem Alice A Bailey, men på grund af tidnød og andet presserende arbejde blev instruktionerne ikke afsluttet. Foster Bailey blev bedt om at tage disse fem instruktioner og til sin tid offentliggøre dem. Det har han gjort, med en tilføjelse i bogens andet afsnit, af en artikel af Alice A Bailey der først blev udgivet i the Master Mason Magazine, og et foredrag som Foster Bailey holdt i en loge i New Jersey. Et tillæg om »Landmarks«, en kompilation fra the Encyclopedia of Freemasonry af Mackey, fuldstændiggør en oplysende og stimulerende bog. De bøger som Alice Bailey skrev sammen med Tibetaneren, den Tibetanske Mester, indeholder mange henvisninger til frimureriet, til dets oprindelse, til dets historie som den er forløbet gennem århundrederne og til den betydningsfulde rolle som frimurerbevegelsen (frimurerbevægelsen), på ny levendegjort og åndeliggjort, kan og vil komme til at spille i fremtiden ved at føre mysterielærens lys og energi sikkert igennem Vannmannens tidsalder. »Frimurerne skal fremdeles arbeide med sig selv. Erkendelsen af den sande ånd i frimureriet ligger stadig langt ude i fremtiden, for frimurerbevægelsen har endnu ikke bestået sin prøve. Når dette sker og det åndelige formål som ligger til grund for alt frimurer arbejde forstås bedre, da kan bygmestrenes lov gøre sin indflydelse gældende. Gruppearbejdet for racen kan udføres og den bevidste medvirken fra logen der arbejder i det høje bliver synlig. Da vil frimureriet igen fremstå som vokteren af det åndelige livs mysterier på jorden og vise sig at være den livskraft som lever i hjertet af den sande religion.«
Statement by the Tibetan (Djwhal Khul) Mester DK August 1934
I am a brother of yours, who has traveled a little longer upon the Path than has the average student, and has therefore incurred greater responsibilities. I am one who has wrestled and fought his way into a greater measure of light than has the aspirant who will read this article, and I must therefore act as a transmitter of the light, no matter what the cost. I am not an old man, as age counts among the teachers, yet I am not young or inexperienced. My work is to teach and spread the knowledge of the Ageless Wisdom wherever I can find a response, and I have been doing this for many years. I seek also to help the Master Morya (Master M) and the Master Kut Humi (Master KH) whenever opportunity offers, for I have been long connected with Them and with Their work. In all the above, I have told you much; yet at the same time I have told you nothing which would lead you to offer me that blind obedience and the foolish devotion which the emotional aspirant offers to the Guru and Master Whom he is as yet unable to contact. Nor will he make that desired contact until he has transmuted emotional devotion into unselfish service to humanity --- not to the Master. The books that I have written are sent out with no claim for their acceptance. They may, or may not, be correct, true and useful. It is for you to ascertain their truth by right practice and by the exercise of the intuition. Neither I nor Alice Bailey is the least interested in having them acclaimed as inspired writings, or in having anyone speak of them (with bated breath) as being the work of one of the Masters. If they present truth in such a way that it follows sequentially upon that already offered in the world teachings, if the information given raises the aspiration and the "will to serve" from the plane of the emotions to that of the mind (the plane whereon the Masters can be found) then they will have served their purpose. If the teaching conveyed calls forth a response from the illumined mind of the worker in the world, and brings a flashing forth of his intuition, then let that teaching be accepted. But not otherwise. If the statements meet with eventual corroboration, or are deemed true under the test of the Law of Correspondences, then that is well and good. But should this not be so, let not the student accept what is said. Tibetaneren Djwhal Khul Den Tibetanske Mester Mester DK
Alice A Bailey |
Side 368 Esoteric Psychology I Lucis Trust Under this 7° ray influence the Masonic Fraternity will come into a new and pronounced spiritual activity and begin to approximate its true function and to fulfil its long-seen destiny. One point it might be of interest here to note. During the period of the activity of the 6° ray the Fraternity fell into a crystallized and sectarian attitude, along with the many other grouped circles. It fell also into the snare of materialism, and the outer form has for centuries been of more importance in the eyes of Masons than the inner spiritual meaning. The symbols and the system of allegories have been emphasized, whilst that which they were intended to convey and to reveal to the initiated has been quite forgotten. Also, the trend of the attention of a lodge of Masons, and the main emphasis, has been potently placed on the function and place of the W. Master, and not upon the inner significance of the work upon the floor of the Temple. The lodge has not been regarded as an integrated functioning entity. This must and will be changed, and the potency and the effectiveness of the lodge work and ceremonial will be demonstrated. It will be seen that in the regularity of the rituals and the sanctified formality of the ordained ceremonials lies the true meaning of the work and the use of the Word. The coming era of group work and power and of organized synthetic ritualistic activity will profoundly affect Masonry, as the importance of a central dominating figure passes out with the sixth ray influence and the true spiritual work and function of the lodge itself is understood.
The Externalization of the Hierarchy Stages in the Externalization Side 511 Master Djwhal Khul, Master DK. De 3 væsentlige kanaler gennem hvilke forberedelsen til den nye tidsalder finder sted kan siges at være kirken, frimurerne og undervisningsområdet. Endnu er de alle i en relativt statisk tilstand, og ingen af dem evner at møde behovet og at respondere på det indre pres. Men indenfor alle disse 3 bevægelser findes disciple af de store mestre, og de er støt og roligt ved at samle styrke, og inden længe vil de overtage deres foreskrevne opgave. Frimurerbevegelsen vil, når den kan frigøre sig fra politiske og sociale formål og fra dens nuværende lammende tilstand af inerti, møde behovet hos dem der kan og skal udøve magt. Den er lovens opretholder; den er mysteriernes hjem og stedet for indvielse . Den indeholder i sin symbolik det guddommelige ritual, og forløsningens vej er billedligt blevet bevaret i dens virke. Guddommens metoder er vist i dens templer, og under det alt-seende øje kan arbejdet gå fremad. Den er en langt mer okkult organisation end man gjør sig klart, og den er beregnet på at være uddannelsesstedet for kommende, fremskredne okkultister. I dens ceremonier gjemmer sig utøvelsen af de krefter, der er forbundet med livets vækst i naturrigerne og udfoldelsen af det guddommelige aspekt i mennesket. I forståelsen af dens symbolik kommer evnen til at samarbejde med Den Guddommelige Plan . Den møter behovet hos dem der virker på den 1°stråle for vilje og magt. Side 446 Esoteric Astrology lucis Trust Masonry - inadequate and corrupt as it has been and guilty of over-emphasizing certain forms of symbols - is nevertheless a germ or seed of future hierarchical effort when that effort is - at some later date - externalized on Earth. Masonry is governed by the 7° ray, and when certain important changes have been made and the spirit of Masonry is grasped instead of the letter, then we shall see a new form of hierarchical endeavor appear to aid in the restoration of the ancient and sacred Mysteries among men.
Initiation human and solar. Side 61-62 Lucis Trust Vi kan mycket sikkert fastslå, att före (Världslärarens) ankomst, kommer åtgärder att vidtas, så att högst upp i alla store organisationer kommer att finnas antingen en mästare eller en invigd som har fått invigning av 3° graden. Högst upp i vissa av de stora ockulta grupperna, hos frimurare världen över, och hos de olika delarna av kyrkan och inom manga av de stora nationerna, kommer att finnas invigda eller mästare. Detta mästarnas verk går nu framåt och all kraft ägnas åt att föra det till en framgångsrik fullbordan. Överallt tillväxer (mästarna) i dem som på något sätt visar en benägenhet att gensvara på starka vibrationer, när de försöker att påtvinga dem sina vibrationer och att utrusta dem så att de kan vara till nytta vid tiden för (Världslärarens) ankomst. Detta är en tid med stora muligheter, för när den tiden är inne kommer det, genom den oerhörda styrkan i vibrationerna som då riktas mot människobarn, att bli möjligt för dem som nu utför det nödvändiga arbetet, att ta ett stort steg framåt och att passere genom innvielsens portal". Lucis Trust The Rays and the Initiations Side 332 The ground is being prepared at this time for this great restoration. The Churches and Masonry are today before the judgment seat of humanity's critical mind and the word has gone forth from that mass mind that both of them failed in their divinely assigned tasks. It is realized everywhere that new life must be poured in and great changes wrought in the awareness and in the training of those who work through these 2 media of truth. Those changes have not yet been carried out, for it will take a new vision and a new approach to life experience, and this only the coming generation is capable of giving -- they and they alone -- can bring about the needed alterations and the revitalization, but it can and will be done...
The Rays and the Initiations Lucis Trust The Aspirant and the Mysteries of Initiation Side 418 "The time has now come, under cyclic law and in preparation for the New Age, for certain changes to be worked by FreeMasons with spiritual understanding. The present Jewish coloring of Masonry is completely out of date and has been preserved far too long, for it is today either Jewish or Christian and should be neither. The Blue Lodge degrees are entirely Jewish in phrasing and wording, and this should be altered. The Higher Degrees are predominantly Christian, though permeated with Jewish names and words. This too should end. This Jewish coloring is today one of the main hindrances to the full expression of Masonic intention and should be changed, whilst preserving the facts and detail and structure of the Masonic symbolism intact.....
Lucis Trust -The Rays and the Initiations - Introductory Remarks "This is one of the new factors in hierarchical methods and techniques which I have had the responsibility of bringing to public attention, and so correcting the erroneous teaching of those trained under orthodox (so called) schools of occultism. The Master KH in one of the few (very few) paragraphs in The Mahatma Letters which are genuine and not simply the work of Mme Blavatsky, gave a hint to aspirants of that time when He said that so many of them were so spiritually selfish. This spiritual selfishness has led the average esoteric student to appropriate initiation and to make it personal and individual. Yet one of the prime prerequisites for initiation is a clear and concise recognition of one's own group, not through a process of wishful thinking, but through factual cooperation and work upon the physical plane. I said group, my brother, and not organization, for they are two very different things"
"Have carefully in mind, the fact of group initiation, and forego the process of considered thought anent your preparation for initiation. Some groups are being prepared for initiation in which the following factors control - as far as the individual is concerned.... A group of men and women whose souls are on some one ray are gathered together subjectively by a Master on the same ray, for group training. Opportunity is given to such people to contact on the physical plane some of those who are thus subjectively linked, and thus mutually convey a sense of group solidarity. The subjective relationship is assured by an objective contact. Recognition is therefore a preliminary test of initiation, and this should be remembered. Such people thus being trained and related are, from the angle of the initiation to be taken, at the same point in evolution. They are taking the same initiation and are being subjected to the same tests and the same difficulties. These tests and difficulties are due to the fact of the personality ray which may be (and usually is) quite different to the soul ray. It is the personality ray which works to prevent contact, to mislead in recognition, to retard progress and to misinterpret information. As long as a disciple in training is focused in his personality, group initiation will not be possible for him, his recognition of coaspirants, will be fleeting and rapidly disturbed by the critical lower mind, and a wall of thoughtforms, created by the personality, anent the group members, will be thrown up and prevent a united moving forward through the Door of Initiation" Introductory Remarks The Rays and the Initiations lucis Trust "This thought of group initiation must be remembered, for it will color all that I shall seek to convey to your minds and will hasten the day of your own acceptance. No one is admitted (through the processes of initiation) into the Ashram of the Christ (Hierarchy) until such time as he is beginning to think and live in terms of group relationships and group activities. Some well-meaning aspirants interpret the group idea as the instruction to them that they should make an effort to form groups - their own group or groups. This is not the idea as it is presented in the Aquarian Age, so close today; it was the mode of approach during the Piscean Age, now passed. Today, the entire approach is totally different. No man today is expected to stand at the center of his little world and work to become a focal point for a group. His task is now to discover the group of aspirants with which he should affiliate himself and with whom he must travel upon the Path of Initiation - a very different matter and a far more difficult one. He needs to bear in mind the meaning of the following words from the Archives of the Masters, given in question and answer form. The questions are addressed to the neophyte who is getting his first glimpse of group relations leading to group initiation"
"The Master: And dost thou see the Door, O Chela in the light? The neophyte: I see the door and hear a calling voice. What should I do, O Master of my life? The Master: Go through that Door and waste not time in backward glances at the road just trodden. Go forward into light. The neophyte: The door is far too narrow, O Master of my life. I fear I cannot pass. [345] The Master: Go closer to the Door and take the hand in thine of another pilgrim on the way of life. Go closer to the Door; seek not to enter it alone. The neophyte: I cannot see the door, now that I grasp the hand of the brother on the right and the brother on the left. I seem surrounded by the pilgrims on the way. Alike they seem, their note is one; they seem like unto me, and press around on every side. I cannot see the door. The Master: Move forward on the Path, O pilgrim in the light, and stand together, hand in hand, before the Door of Light. What seest thou? The neophyte: The door again appears, and wide it seems, not narrow as before. What was that I saw before? It was not like the door which now confronts this band of brothers as we stand together on the Path. The Master: The door you saw before was a figment of your mind; a thought-form of your separative creation, something that cuts you off from truth - too narrow for your passing yet full of wrong allure. Only the man who holds his brother's hand can see the Door in truth; only the man, surrounded by the many who are one, can enter by that Door which shuts itself upon the man who seeks to enter it alone."
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